Call for Proposals
Based on these challenges, the conference will have distinct thematic streams, including an open stream that will be made available for submissions of abstracts that may not be fully aligned with the streams and overarching topics of the conference. All the other streams will be specific and will welcome contributions that are both related to the themes of the stream and the overarching theme of the conference. The streams will be the following:
Stream 1: Research and Innovation
Stream 2: Education and learning
Stream 3: Third mission and impact
Stream 4: Governance and organizations
Stream 5: Open stream
Submission of abstracts
Participants can submit an abstract for a paper, panel or poster on one of the streams of the conference. The abstract needs to follow the structure of the online submission links below in each submission type. Please note that all fields of the submission templates need to be filled in.
The abstracts should not exceed 1000 words.
The abstracts should be submitted by the 1st of February of 2025
Early conference registration deadline: 25th of March of 2025
Conference registration deadline: 15th of May of 2025
Conference date: 9th and 10th of June of 2025
A special issue in an international journal may take place. More information about this will be provided in due course.
*For participants from mainland China, if you are unable to access the Google forms provided above, you can alternatively use "Wenjuanxing" to access the forms via the following links